Training Programs

Hybrid Training

Our hybrid training program is a mix of live virtual training and required, live, in-person training. Virtual training consists of weekly 30-minute private Zoom sessions, and two 60-minute group Zoom sessions per month. For in-person sessions, hybrid students typically travel to Atlanta, Georgia twice a year for a four-day event that includes training seminars and testing for students who are ready.

While it is not a requirement, we strongly encourage our hybrid students to find a local training partner. Having at least one other person to physically train with allows for faster progression. 

In-Person Training

In-person training is conducted under a covered pavilion at a local park in Richmond Hill, Georgia, at least two times per week. Once the outside air temperature consistently dips below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, we move to an indoor facility nearby. In-person students are also invited to attend the four-day seminar and testing event in Atlanta, Georgia, twice per year.

Complimentary Trial Period

Although there is no single “perfect” martial art, there absolutely can be a perfect martial art for a person. Thus, we believe that there should be a period of time in which a student can evaluate the art and the instructor, as well as time for the instructor to evaluate the student. Success in HKB requires dedication of mind, body, and spirit. It’s not for everyone, and that’s ok. Our month-long, 360-degree evaluation period offers sufficient time for both the student and the instructor to decide if the program is a good fit.